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Data Access

Users of the site may, if necessary, be asked for their first name, last name, email address, telephone number, while cookies collect the user's IP addresses, unless the User has set his browser and privacy settings differently on our site.

Users can visit our site anonymously. We collect personal information only if the user of our Website consents to the collection of information in accordance with these privacy policies. EnergoGlobal d.o.o. collects personal, identification data from the User in the following ways:

  • Through contact forms
  • Through brochure download forms
  • Through cookies in the browser, and in connection with the services, activities, resources and functions available on our website.

Users may always refuse to provide their personal information, in which case they may be denied certain functionalities, the ability to perform certain activities and actions on the Website.

EnergoGlobal d.o.o. reserves the right to collect non-personally identifiable user information, such as browser, computer type and technical information on the use of means to connect to our site, such as computer operating system and Internet provider, for statistical analysis and to improve its digital funds.

EnergoGlobal d.o.o. your personal data will not be made available to third parties, if required by law.

In accordance with the current legal regulations, pursuant to the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 97/2008, 104/2009, other law, 68/2012 - US decision and 107/2012), and GDPR regulations, the following rights are provided to the Website User:

  • To be acquainted in detail with the data obtained, the method of data acquisition and management
  • To request your personal data for inspection
  • To request that his personal data be deleted from the database and forgotten
  • To unsubscribe at any time from the email list to which you have previously subscribed via the Newsletter registration, if any.

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Industrijski asortiman

Industrielles Sortiment

Priemyselný sortiment

Industrial range

Rentalni proizvodi


Produkty na prenájom

Rental products

Mali prenosni agregati

Kleine tragbare Aggregate

Malé prenosné agregáty

Small portable generators

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